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Finterra Global Plantations

Paulownia is a fast growing multipurpose hardwood tree comprising of nine sub-species with a few natural hybrids. The species itself is named after Queen Anna Pavlovna


What We Do

Finterra Global Plantations is an award-winning company set about helping humans and the environment. Using principles of Ethical Finance, we provide a platform for safe financial opportunities with consistent returns achieved via sustainable afforestation and ethical harvesting practices of the Finterra Paulownia tree, the world’s fastest growing tree.

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Finterra Global Plantations is an award-winning company set about helping humans and the environment. Using principles of Ethical Finance, we provide a platform for safe financial opportunities with consistent returns achieved via sustainable afforestation and ethical harvesting practices of the Finterra Paulownia tree, the world’s fastest growing tree.

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How It Works

Finterra Global Plantations is an award-winning company set about helping humans and the environment. Using principles of Ethical Finance, we provide a platform for safe financial opportunities with consistent returns achieved via sustainable afforestation and ethical harvesting practices of the Finterra Paulownia tree, the world’s fastest growing tree.

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